divendres, 8 de febrer del 2013

Brief History of Barraquismo and Self constructed houses

I/ Introduction to Barraquismo
           In the beginning of the XXth century in Barcelona, a new urban phenomenon appeared with the arrival of immigrants from other Spanish regions. The city, facing a crisis of dwelling, was already lacking a sufficient number of housing and without any specific type of plan people started to make their housing in the already existing neighborhood such as el Somorrostro, Pequín i el Camp de la Bota, the littoral, Tres Pins i Can Valero, Montjuïc... These urban nuclei became more and more popular and were the beginning of an intensive urbanization that led to shantytowns and constructive anarchy especially reinforced during the post-war period.

**Interview of people that arrived in Barcelona and lived in barracas or witnessed the process of urbanization.**

Overview barraquismo © 2008 MUHBA    www.museuhistoria.bcn.cat

2/ Landscape of the shantytowns 
Typologies of shanties: construction methods, materials and dimensions

The shanties of the various nuclei belonged to diverse typologies which were adapted to the pre-existing paths, to the lay of the land and to the internal organization of each shantytown as a whole. On the hills of the city there were shantytowns with a certain air of the southern Mediterranean, while by the sea they had a more maritime appearance and even included some stilt houses.
Shanties were erected on land which was purchased or assigned or was public property. Some were built of quite solid load-bearing materials: bricks and baked-clay roof tiles, while others were more precarious, with waste or recycled material: wood, cardboard and fibre-cement panels. The dimensions were minimal and varied according to the services and equipment of the home: kitchens, latrines, wash-house. The interior space was often divided into two areas: one for living in general and the other for sleeping, separated by curtains. With the passing of time, the shanties and the shantytowns improved both their constructed condition and equipment, with the incorporation of electrical devices and home appliances.
** Photos***
THE SHANTY: A MICROCOSM OVERLOOKING THE STREET © 2008 MUHBA    www.museuhistoria.bcn.cat

3/ Documentary TV3

Barraques- La ciutat oblidada 1.51 min
Un reportatge de: Alonso Carnicer i Sara GrimalMuntatge: Agustí PochDocumentació: Miracle Tous


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