divendres, 8 de febrer del 2013

5) Resettlements

http://estaticos.elperiodico.com/resources/jpg/2/6/1357589116762.jpgThe origins of the “Servicio de Control y Repressión del Barraquismo”, which was later renamed in “”Servicio de Control y Erridicación del Barraquismo” lies in the year 1972. Although there were already earlier resettlements, in the times before WWII, from this point on, the monitoring of the “barracas” was institutionalized. However, the success and the contact with the people of the informal settlements  remained low.

Camp de la Bota
 Later the administration considered the buildings of project houses ("poligons"), as for example, La Mina to relocate the people from Camp de la Bota, which was a Roma settlement close to the sea, as well people from Montjuic and Valero Gran. Due to the small success, especially in the case of Camp de la Bota, the administration increased the pressure continuously until those settlements disappeared. However, afterwards still the problem of integration remained. Later, the focus changed, including as well a shift to the improvement of the existing structures within the settlements. This change reached its most obvious point with the arrival of the democracy in 1979.

Poligon of La Mina
After the turn in the policy concerning the “Barraquismo”, a more slightly process of resettlement started. In contrary to the early methods based on violence, now the people were encouraged to leave their houses by offering money. They moved to different places within the metropolitan area of Barcelona, especially, to new constructed urban spaces including for example the poligons La Mina, Canyelles or Ciutat Meridiana. A lot of people from Carmel, mainly, moved to Canyelles, which meant that they stayed in the same area but moved to new blocs, and to Can Carreres close to  Passeig dÙrrutia.


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