divendres, 8 de febrer del 2013

4.) Llei de Barris

4.) On the Llei de Barris and its impact on neighborhoods

When walking across the streets of Roquetes and Torre Baró, we come across many public installations that we wouldn't have seen if visiting these barrios just five or six years ago. Now we find elevators and new public stairs that make people's everyday life much more comfortable, especially for the older population sector. Most of these modern installations are the answer to the neighbors' long struggle for the improvement of streets and facilities. In 2004 the Catalan government presented the Llei de Barris, a plan made for those neighborhoods in Catalan villages and cities that feature the most urbanization problems and deficiencies. It's aim has been to improve peoples' quality of life through the creation of different public spaces and rehabilitation of old ones. Let's have an overview on some of the most important commitments the Llei de Barris has done to both of the neighborhoods and see how they actually have been accomplished.

1) Improvement of the public space and creation of green spots. The main aim of these actions is invigorating the social life and promoting integration of all social groups. Some of the actions taken are: re-urbanization of squares, streets and parks, often done through buying soil and using it for public spaces. This first aspect is the one the most money goes to and can be easily seen in Roquetes and Torre Baró, as we can now find many squares, some of them with installations for children. In certain areas some houses have been demolished in order to widen the natural environment around Torre Baró, actions that -even though being orientated towards an urban improvement- have produced protests and critical reactions.

2) Rehabilitation and equipment of the common elements of buildings: restoration of building's façades, structures, accessibility. Special attention to public elevators, especially in areas with irregular land. Improvements in the installation of gas, water and electricity. It is also important to mention the 375 apartments built to host social housing.

Biblioteca Zona Nord
3) Equipment for common use: creation of social and cultural centers, play centers, libraries and sport areas. This is the second point which gets the most investment. One example of is the creation of two big libraries in Roquetes and in Torre Baró (Biblioteca Zona Nord and Biblioteca Les Roquetes) opened in 2008 and 2009 respectively; the second one is an amazing building of nearly 1.500m2.

4) Other aspects that have been improved: sustainable development of the neighborhoods (installation of recycling spaces, promotion of alternative energy in public spaces, bicycle-lanes, etc), encouragement of commercial activities and occupation, creation of cultural itineraries, integration of new-comers, suppression of architectonical barriers (construction of stares, ramps, elevators, escalators, etc) in order to avoid isolation from the rest of the city. This last point is made evident through the stares, escalators and elevators we are seeing throughout the whole neighborhood. Another of the main goals of the Llei de Barris has been to create a better connection between Torre Baró and Ciutat Meridiana, accomplished trough the construction of a road around the already existing carrer Sant Feliu de Codines, an action that was also accompanied by the expropriation of thirteen households.

The areas of Torre Baró and Ciutat Meridiana (a neigborhood behind Torre Baró that is also worth visiting) started to be transformed in 2006 and 43% of the desired improvements were done in the two first years. Roquetes, a neighborhood very close to Torre Baró and also mainly created through self-build houses in the 60s, figures in the official book of la Llei de Barris as an "low regulated urban area" (área de urbanización poco regulada) and has received nearly 11 millions of euros since 2007, when the third convocation was started. But not everything has been positive during this process, as part of the population of Torre Baró resisted to accept the governments plans, since they also included a certain amount of expropriations. Created mainly out of self-constructed buildings, often without the proper licenses or on non-constructable soil, Torre Baró is one of those neighborhoods that has still had till very recently many self-built houses, some of them being the ones affected by the expropriations (23 neighbors have been directly affected). Despite of these conflicts, the quality of the area has increased immensely in the past years.

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