divendres, 1 de febrer del 2013

Reflection of the Itinerary

Our itinerary ends here at top of the mountain of Carmel. As we can see the area itself is a part of the MUHBA. Beside other discourses in forms of films or articles, it shows how the Barraquismo is included in the discourse about the cities identity. It is not only maintained in the cities memory but as well step by step integrated in the cities image.

Enjoying the view from Carmel, we can reflect our itinerary. We can compare the impressions, we got during our tour to the silhouette of the city with its important building. We can remember the citie's perfectly constructed image, which  attracting tourists from all over the world, seeing its most representative monuments and areas: La Sagrada Familia, the Montjuic, Las Ramblas, The Beaches of Barcelonata.
But we have seen as well another side of the city, and now we know that there is more behind the shiny waterfront, the impressive monuments and beyond the grid of the fancy glamorous streets.

One just has to change the perspective.

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